We are a team of researchers who build practical systems with the aim of improving real-world software security and robustness.

We routinely publish our work in security and software engineering venues such as IEEE S&P, USENIX Security, ACM CCS, and ICSE.

Our group currently focuses on the following research areas: software testing, binary analysis, vulnerability triage, and bug repair.

Recent News

  • 06/2024: Zao's work on decompiler fuzzing featured in a blog post by the Binary Ninja team!
  • 05/2024: Congratulations to our student researchers Andrew, David, and Gabe for graduating!
  • 06/2023: Our paper on target-embedded Windows fuzzing snapshotting is accepted to USENIX'23!
  • 05/2023: Our paper on profile-guided system optimizations for fuzzing is accepted to CCS'23!
  • 02/2023: Stefan's guest article for ACM Queue magazine The Fun in Fuzzing is now available!
  • 09/2022: Our paper on directed fuzzing optimization SieveFuzz is accepted to ACSAC'22.


3446 Merrill Engineering (MEB)
50 Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
+1 801-581-8224